
Monday, June 18, 2012

The (Tula) Pink pt 2

I turned my examination inward to discern the personal Tula effects. These began before I had the pleasure of meeting her. These effects have been evolving. You see, I discovered Tula Pink during her "Hushabye" period. There was one particular fabric that did it for me. It was a tonal damask, very formal in it's layout, but the central feature was made of a bunny. The humor and surprise was so endearing to me. I became a fan, adding Tula's offerings to my stash and my quilts.

Look at those luscious colors
The color, "life" and whimsy of Tula Pink's designs just give me so much joy to sew!

I also began following Tula on Twitter and just became enchanted with her "shout out"s, pictures of projects and general creative joy. She is so active and accessible, and really appreciates her fans. I began seeing more details in her designs, and in my life. The details matter!

Tula custom prints the backs of each of her quilts. 
 These are her labels and remove any doubt about the provenance of these quilts!

Listening to Tula talk about her inspirations opened my eyes to what I am drawn to, and how I can translate these things into creative inspiration. So I became more cognizant of my demeanor and asked my self, "am I creating MY life?" or just letting it happen? The greatest Tula effect I can  see, is that you have to imagine your story, your personal narrative, and have fun with every single part of it. You have to be in charge of all aspects of your life (just the way Tula is in charge with every aspect of her designing business!).
Tula also sticks with what and who works with her vision. Angela Walters quilts all of Tula's quilts. 
The photographer Tula used for her book, Quilts from the House of Tula Pink, 
will be taking all the pictures for Tula's future books!

Maybe I just haven't been exposed to such a great amount of positive and creative energy in one place (in a very long time), but that magical evening has changed me somehow. I am still a work in progress, but I am actively seeking the creative in my life, looking to add cute critters, bright colors, and my own story to my activities. The best "Tula Pink" effect (for me)? Unleashing the rainbow of colors, images and general delight all around. Thank you, Tula Pink!


  1. I love hearing your thoughts! For me Tula was like a culmination of all the various bloggers, quilters designers, etc I have been following, swapping, and having a dialog with. They all seem so fearless and expressive whether midern or tradional.. They have helped me to find the creative me and more importantly acceptance. Experiencing Tula was the exclamation point!

  2. Tula was under my radar until I began to follow your blog-now I'm a fan-thanks!

  3. Great effects to be around. Awesome that you've learned some new lessons in the quilt making process. I love that quilting! =D


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