
Monday, June 4, 2012

The Transit of Venus

Tuesday, June 5, will mark a rare event, the movement of Venus between the Earth and the Sun. This is a rare astronomical event, occurring every 243 years. I am hoping for clear skies, to be able to use my eclipse shades to see a bit of this event.

Transit of Venus

In honor of this event, I have named this art quilt "Transit of Venus". It is 21" by 21" square. It is being donated to the Stokes County Arts Council, for the upcoming auction "Wine, Bid and Boogie". I hope it the bids for this are high!


  1. This was on the UNCG website, which I only noticed after reading about it on your blog:

    Physics and Astronomy hosts Venus transit viewing June 5 --
    UNCG’s Department of Physics and Astronomy is offering a front-row seat to a once-in-a-lifetime event: the planet Venus passing between the Earth and the sun.

    Weather permitting, the transit will be visible in the Triad Tuesday, June 5, from around 6 p.m. until roughly sunset. This event only occurs twice in about 110 years. The next transit of Venus will occur Dec. 11, 2117.

    Telescopes will be set up on the top floor of UNCG’s Walker Street Parking Deck, near the UNCG Baseball Stadium, for public viewing. The event is free and open to the public. Regular parking rates of $2 for the first hour and $1 for each additional hour will apply for those parking inside the deck.

    The transit won’t be visible if overhead conditions are cloudy. Call 336-334-3242 after 5 p.m. on June 5 if you aren’t sure if the skies are clear enough to see the transit.

  2. Wow thanks for sharing that...mind you I'm over in the UK so we might not see anything at all.

    Great looking mini =D


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