
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

3 of 3, whew, why do I do this to myself?

And now, "Little Nipper" a smaller companion to "Canis Major" which used up the scraps of my dog fabrics.

This is the 2012 Raffle Quilt for Stokes County Humane Society and like the previous quilts I have made for them ALL of the proceeds go to the programs of SCHS.

I love that I could use all my left-overs. I made this star based on setting the squares 4 by 4, where "Canis Major" was set 5 by 5.

Smaller at 58.5" square. I FMQed it in my all-over swirly wave. I love it too!


  1. a very nice raffle quilt. I am sure it will raise a lot of money.

  2. What does it mean by setting the squares 4 x 4 or 5 x 5? I'm not too good with quilty technical terms.

    Both quilts are awesome, hope the Little Nipper makes lots of money for the Humane Society.

  3. Lovely quilt-you do sleep??

  4. What a great quilt! Can't believe it was all made from the leftover pieces and still came out to a good size! =D

  5. A great quilt, and for a wonderful cause! It's nice to think that the love you put into it will extend to all those needy dogs and cats helped through the proceeds.


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