
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quilting inspirations from Forsyth Piecers and Quilters 2012 show

My mom and I attended the Forsyth Piecers and Quilters show yesterday. It was AWESOME. Best part for me? 2 of my FMQ students won ribbons, 1 of them won 3! I took these detail shots of several different quilts as inspiration for my quilting stitches. Quilt shows are great places for ideas! And they usually have a great vendors area too!

Via Flickr:
Detail pictures of beautiful quilting I saw at the 2012 FPQ show. I took all these pictures as inspiration for my quilting.

Created with fd's Flickr Toys


  1. I went to that show yesterday, too. So many of the quilts were quilted beautifully, and lots of art quilts, too. Plus a good selection of vendors and the guild's boutique had books for one dollar. All in all, a great show!

  2. Yes! It was great fun. And now I am obsessed with learning applique!


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