
Monday, January 16, 2012

Work in Process

I have been just playing in my studio. My guild had a scrap exchange and inspired by our speaker, I am making "crazy quilt" blocks out of these scraps.

This will be a long term project. It is nice to have a project to just sew and not have to think too hard about. I made a crazy quilt several years ago. It is always a good way to use scraps, and makes an interesting quilt.

I am also piecing a king-sized quilt for my husband and me (resolution #5). I am using Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably fabrics from my stash. This quilt is going together very fast! These bright red/orange/purple fabrics have intimidated me, but I am jumping in and loving the way they all work together. These patterns seem to have a "gypsy" feel to them, I am thinking of call it " My Gypsy Dream".

The patterned white fabric is a beautiful Laura Gunn fabric, also from my stash.

We have been quite busy as my precious mother-in-law is in the hospital. Sewing is taking a back seat to her! But she seems to be doing better, and always asks what I am making.


  1. Love your blocks. Crazy blocks look great.

  2. Great crazy blocks and My Gypsy Dream is going to be beautiful!


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