
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Relaxing after Christmas

The end of the year always seems to generate lots of lists. I have taken a look back at my quilts of 2011 as I get ready to make some quilting goals for 2012.

Here is a collage of my 2011 quilts:

In related quilting accomplishments this year, I taught several classes in free-motion quilting, I have coached a dear friend as she begins her quilting journey (and she is doing very well!), I have had an exhibit of my quilts as well as the quilts of my mom and 2 friends, I was interviewed by both a local radio station and a local magazine about my quilts, I made another quilt which was raffled for a local humane society (and more than doubled last years $$$$!). I sold a few quilts and have done a couple on commission. I still love quilting very much!

I am still pondering what I want to work on next year. What are your quilting goals for 2012?


  1. It's always great to see all that you did throughout the year. Congrats on so many finishes!

  2. You had a very good lovely seeing it all together.

  3. Wow. very impressive year. Looking forwards New Quilting Year.

  4. Quite an accomplishment! Congratulations.
    They are all beautiful and I´m sure they´re all treasured by those who own them.
    I suggest uou just go on making the world a better place to live - that´s enough for a goal!


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