
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hand Quilting Lives!

Here is a beautiful quilt made by a friend for my dear mother-in-law.

A traditional basket pattern, using traditional calicoes.

The kicker? All by hand! Look at those even quilting stitches.

My MIL's friend, Janet made this. She still makes all her quilts by hand. This is such a beautiful treasure, made even more dear by the personal connection to the quilter. And this quilt is just 2 years old. 

Hand Quilting LIVES!


  1. What an amazing quilt. I combine machine quilting and hand tying, but do lots of hand quilting on my borders. I am not near as good as your friends mom, but I still love hand quilts! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a pretty quilt! Yes, hand quilting still lives... lots of quilters around the world still quilt by hand. in case any of your readers would like to learn more about hand quilting!


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