
Thursday, September 29, 2011

When will all the busy-ness end?

I know, some complain about about the mundane, boring lives they lead. I, too, can feel blah (especially in February when the grey winter skies, the lack of sunlight and the cold weather makes me feel like sleeping through til April), but the endless engagements of September and October have me breathless! At least I have gotten in a bit of sewing. I am quilting this top, but since I am traveling for work all next week, I do not anticipate a finish for a while.

So, to keep you inspired, here are some beauties I have encountered on the web:

Love this African quilt!
Family heirlooms finding a new family.
I love this modern quilt!
Feeling a little flowery over this one, too!
No, I didn't translate it, I just drooled over the pictures!
Awesome Free-motion quilting!
Great calendar for quilters who love men and burritos!
I am going to make a version of this. Love the colors and simplicity!

I AM visiting the City Quilter in NYC next week as well as attending 3 museum tours (Nick Cave Soundsuits, Daphne Guinness at FIT, Japan's Textile Pioneers), so I will share.

October is stacking up to be just as busy as September as I get back from NYC and then travel to our factory in Maine the week of the 17th. November has me in Nashville for the Healthcare Design conference. May next February will not be a boring month, but a resting month!

1 comment:

  1. Hey this is Jennifer from zospecial. Thank you so much for linking to my quilt. I'm so glad you love it. I love it too.


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