
Sunday, September 4, 2011

a lesson and an excercise

Remember this post? 

Well, things haven't worked out as I had hoped.

This is both an exercise in futility and a lesson in humility. How very poetic!
I had my strips cut and sewn into panels. All in the right order.
Then it was time to cut angled strips.
After happily zipping along, I discovered I had cut min on 60 degrees instead of 45 degrees.
Well, I have more fabric, I will just remake those mis-cut sets. 
I start sewing the angled strips together and the points just will not meet.

Guess whose 1/4" seams were off? Yup, mine.
 My mis-sewn and mis-cut strips. 
No worries, these will make an awesome contemporary quilt!

Well, I know a couple of my classmates read this blog, as does my delightful teacher!
And I know I will not be happy with it if I just try to "make it work".

So, I recut my strips, and I am going to make new panels.

I said I would share the process on this project, so here I am keeping it real!

I am first checking my 1/4" seam and adjusting if necessary. And I am using my large quilters square with the well-marked 45 degree angle.

And I am beginning anew.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly, You are so not the first to have to start over. I do start overs all the time. So much so, I've made a lap quilt with all my bad parts. The lady who got it loves it. You never know. Keep your chin up :):) Sandie


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