
Thursday, September 15, 2011

1/4" from the Edge

So, I was approached in May about exhibiting my quilts in a local venue.

Said, YES! Because I adore sharing my love of quilts. Shainghai'ed my mom and 2 friends into letting me show theirs as well. (Thanks Kim and Ellen!)

Mom helped me hang the quilts on Monday. We were interviewed on local radio Wednesday morning and have a photo shoot/magazine interview on Friday.

Saturday is the Apple Fest at Historic Bethabara Park in Winston-Salem.

See where this is going?

Yup, the quilts are hanging in the visitors' center. And on Saturday, I am giving 2 short talks about modern quilting methods. I will be there all day as well (10:30 to 4:30) to answer questions and talk to visitors about quilts.

Come see the quilts, enjoy the Apple Fest activities and lets talk quilts!

this is so freaking fun!

I made a little collage of some of the quilts:

Kelly Wood ©2011


  1. Unable to come on Saturday and could not stand the suspense...had to o see the quilts today! You ladies are such artists!

    Had to laugh when the guide asked me if I noticed the tiny little pieces...she said you ladies "really like to cut up material"!

  2. Kelly-- Just wonderful, I really like the grey quilt with flower on it. But they are all great. Isn't nice to see your work out and displayed all together?? I love to give lectures. I really enjoy expressing my joy and passion for quilting to any one who will listen :):) Have a super time. Hugs--Sandie


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