
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

grumbling along

I haven't been much for the blog lately. After finishing this top last week, I took ill from a belly issue. Now I am still on meds and they are making me queasy, so I have been on the sofa in the evenings. I have been reading a bit about quilting, does that count? I recently subscribed to this magazine and bought all the back issues. LOVE IT! I taught this on Saturday. Had a great class.

I have been cruising the web and still reading views about the "tempest in a teapot" surrounding Traditional Quilting and Modern Quilting. (Reminds me a lot of the petty battles fought between stay-at-home moms vs. working-outside-the-home moms; we're all moms so lets just get along!)

Why do we have to be one or the other? In my experience, the ones who insist on exclusivity are really frightened of any change to their status quo.

Perhaps the staunch traditionalists are afraid they will be left behind or forgotten? I haven't seen it happen.

On the contrary, I have seen young quilters brought in through the modern quilting movement. Once they build their skills and confidence, they want to learn more and look to the traditional skill such as needle-turn applique and complex patterns like the Radiant Star/ Lone Star, giving these new challenges their own spin with brightly colored modern prints. Many modern quilters are young mothers with children to care for and enjoy the creative jolt and sense of completion they receive from a "quick quilt". These young whippersnappers share their creations through awesome blogs and message boards, virtual guilds and e-zines.

Personally I feel the modern movement for all crafting is very good for all of us. We have so many talented designers providing wonderful inspiration through new color combinations, new techniques and new patterns. I enjoy interaction with all types of quilters and crafters. 

Would you really want the gentle art of quilting to fade away?

Not me. I love the energy and passion of avant garde ideas.

I see the world as a big pond: if it doesn't get aerated through activity, it becomes stagnant.


  1. I subscribe to MQU magazine, have gotten it since it started, and really like it--you will, too! As for the "modern" quilter movement, many of the designs they come up with are just repeats of older quilts in colors that are more up-to-date or in solids that they think makes the quilt "modern". Of course, look at Amish quilts from 100 years ago, or Gees Bend quilts, they look very similar. As these young "whippersnappers" learn more about the history of quilting, they'll realize that what they're doing really isn't all that new.

  2. In my opinion, quilting is just quilting, modern, traditional, machine, hand... Any technique you can learn, any pattern you can accomplish, is a good thing.

    I am a huge fan of the whole handmade movement that is going on right now! Being a "maker" from way back, thanks to my mom, I appreciate that handmade gifts are now being preferred these days, and not just because I have an Etsy store... :)


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