
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thanks! and beautiful Public Art

Thanks so much for your great comments about sewing machines! I like to seek information and recommendations from the experts, and the experts are the users. So, again, Thanks to you for the info! I am planning to do some "test driving" in the near future and will let you know what I discover.

No sewing last night. I have been part of a mentoring program at Appalachian State University in Boone and went up last night to meet with the young lady I am mentoring. It has been a great experience for me, and I hope for her as well. She is graduating this Spring and already has her job lined up. I believe she will encounter great success! 

So, seeing how I was there, and so is my son, he met me and we ate dinner together. It was a great treat for me. I have really missed him. He is working a part-time retail job, so we don't get to see him as often as we would like. Anyway, he took me on a walking tour of the campus to show me some of the newer buildings. We walked through the Student Union and saw this delightful treasure right at the entrance:

Here is the artist's info:

And a detail shot:

Art feeds one's soul and I am always happy to see a quilt hanging in a place of honor. Those peeps at ASU are so smart and have good taste too!

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