
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It is 1/1/11 and I have been mulling over what I would like to accomplish this year.
2010 was a tumultuous year in my personal life, 
my father faced a severe health challenge (but is doing well, thanks be to God!); living apart from my husband while trying to sell our house in a horrendous market; 
living through the "house buyers from Hell", (a horrible experience, suffice it to say that while I am so grateful they came along and bought our house, I really hope that when the time comes for them to sell, they get buyers just like them!); 
trying to find a house to buy (not fun at all); 
moving twice(once out of the sold-house-belongings into storage, then into bought-house 2 months later);
continuing drama at work but most of that is beyond my control

So, my first goal of 2011 is to live it with as little drama as possible! Coming in a close second is my goal to stop complaining.

In my quilting life these are my immediate goals:
1. Finish "Wildfire" which will hang in our new great room
2. Design and complete another king-sized quilt for our bed. I plan on making this in 4 sections so I can FMQ it at home.
3. Do several smaller pieces for our upcoming exhibit.
4. Do my challenge piece for Sewingly Yours show in April. I selected a vibrant orange fabric as my starter piece.
5. Christmas quilt for son - Queen sized
6. Christmas quilt for guest room - full sized.
7. Whatever else comes along

I am also going to do some tweaking to the blog design.

Since I am now teaching a Free-motion advanced class, I need to develop that lesson plan. I have some ideas, just need to get them on paper. I am looking forward to making quilts and living the quilter lifestyle in 2011.

Happy New Year to all!


  1. Good luck with all that....sounds ambitious. Here's hoping you have a wonderful 2011 without drama.

  2. You´ve got a lot accomplished in 2010 no matter how much trouble or discomfort you´ve faced along the way.
    I´ll be here to see all you get done in 2011, hoping to hear all the drama has come to an end.
    Here to witness your joy and success in all fields. Have a great 2011.


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