
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Still settling in

You know, unpacking, folding, searching and finding. Need to sew, but need to feather the nest a bit more. So, to get me the the holiday mood, a little eye candy:
I bought this for my sweet MIL and gave it to her for Thanksgiving. she loves pink and this poinsettia was definitely pink! Got a beautiful deep red one for my Mom.

We are beginning to feel at home. More space and less boxes. I like a lot of calm space and all this moving chaos and clutter has to be tackled before I can resume a normal (?) existence. Right now I would rather "make a home" than anything else. I know all this experience has been full of stress, and I am decompressing more and more each day. I can see a difference in myself. My eyes are not as puffy and swollen and my skin has more of a healthy color. 

I am just going to be patient, settle in and let my mojo recharge. 

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