
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Today has been a rarity here in the South. We are actually having a "White Christmas"! Snow has been falling here since 10am and we have 2+ inches. 

view out our back door

My parents made it over for lunch.

 Sarge just loves my Dad!

But my MIL and my brother and SIL didn't make it. MIL stayed put due to the weather, and my SIL's father is fighting cancer so they opted to spend today with him (rightly so).

We enjoyed Christmas Eve with my hubby's family and accompanied MIL to church. It was a lovely, simple and moving service comprised of songs and scripture readings.
 Christmas Tree at New Hope Baptist Church

We are now winding down and relaxing in the warmth of our home. Time for a winter's nap. May your holiday be filled with love!
Pepper is tired of all the festivities.

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