
Saturday, November 13, 2010

A very busy time ahead

I am posting this from Las Vegas, where I am attending the Healthcare Design Conference at the MGM Grand. I arrived this afternoon and leave on Tuesday morning. The next 2 days are jam-packed full of seminars. I am looking forward to it, as I am new to designing for this market. I will be in the office on Wednesday. On Thursday, Nov 18 at 10am, we are going to start signing papers to close on our house. Then the work gets more intense! We met our agent and the home inspector over there yesterday. We are buying the house from FreddieMac so we are purchasing "as is". We felt that it was prudent to have an inspector go through everything before we move in. Fortunately everything was great! Just a few minor cosmetic items. Whew! It was nice to spend the 2 1/2 hours in it yesterday. I had forgotten lots of details. It is prettier than I remembered and there are more closets than we thought. It was also nice to see how the sunlight comes through the windows. The space felt really good. I can not wait to make it our home.

I have scheduled the movers for Friday morning, the Internet for Friday afternoon and the TV dish guys for Saturday morning. Hubby is taking care of the water and power which can all be done ahead of time. We hope to set up the expanded kennel area and move the hounds on Saturday afternoon.

I have mapped out my remaining vacation time for the year and I am not working a full week for the remainder of the year! Those Fridays off will be good for sewing, shopping, and settling in. Then the Christmas holiday will be here and I am off for 11 straight days. My pent-up sewing desires will have time to be realized! That and stash building! Ohh, doesn't that sound marvelous!

Why all this drivel from me? Well, as you can tell there hasn't been and will not be much quilting time in the next week or so. BUT, as I stood in the room that is going to be my new studio yesterday, the time will come and I am going to have a great place for it! And a lot of fun setting it up. I have never had this large of a space for my creative activities.

I have completed a quilt my MIL started years ago and added FMQ to it. She loves it! I have tried to keep doing a bit here and there while "living in limbo" but that is about to end (Thanks be to God!) So, posts will be spotty for the near future. Wish us luck!

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