
Saturday, November 27, 2010

My new sewing studio space

Well, we are here! Living together, under our own roof. I am so very thankful! We have been in the house for a week now and I am seeing less boxes now and more space!

We made a foray into Black Friday yesterday to find bookcases. We have more books than we realized. We are major readers and do re-read the books so we need a good place to keep them. The previous house had big built-ins which held our library. We found a style we liked and bought 2 at Target yesterday. Al got them assembled and loaded up. And yes, we need another.

My new studio is the "bonus room" over the garage. It is not yet organized, but I have been sewing a bit, and unpacking to get rid of boxes and see what I've got to deal with. I am going to buy simple metal shelves for this space. And I need to make a design wall. But, it has 12 (yes, 12!) electrical outlets so I have a lot of options for placing my machine!

The dogs seem to be adapting well to the move. Sarge has really started to warm up to Al and that is so good good to see. I believe living at Meme's and being exposed to more people has really helped his socialization.

I already love this house. I love the space and how it is arranged. I love being with my hubby full-time again.

If I can find my camera-computer cord, I will post more pix!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see how you get it all set up! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!


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