
Monday, November 8, 2010

Meme's Christmas Quilt

Meme's Christmas Quilt, originally uploaded by kheli.
In the upheaval of the past few months, I do not remember, nor can I find, where I may have posted this quilt. It is from the book "Carpenter's Star"** and I made it in Christmas fabrics for my MIL. Gave it to her for her birthday in September. She loves it! I love the pattern and definately want to make another. I echo-quilted around the colored arms of the star and densely stippled the white areas. I am really happy with how it came out.

*The book is "Simple Stars Beautiful Quilts" by Debby Maddy available here.


  1. ... absolutely stunning.

    Searched the book title on Amazon and could not find it. Can you please tell me the author's name ?

    Your quilt is beautiful !


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