
Friday, October 22, 2010

Working in NYC this week

My company has an office in New York, on 5th Avenue, across from Lord & Taylor. I spent this week working out of this office with the rest of our design crew on a yearly project. So great to all be together in the same room, face to face. We function via conference calls the rest of the year so this is really jam-packed and a lot of fun. All was not work, however. On Tuesday, we went to FIT to catch a guided presentation of their exhibit "Japan Fashion Now". The curator, Valerie Steele, led us through a history of Japanese fashion from the vanguard designers in the 1980's through the current years. A fantastic show!

Thoroughly inspired by the japanese designs, I made my way to Kinokuniya, a Japanese bookstore. I found myself purchasing a gorgeous book and magazine on Japanese quilts (imagine that!).

Can't read a word of them, but the beauty of the quilts speaks volumes. It is so interesting to see the different perspective at work in the composition of the quilts. Sure to inspire my work (as soon as I have a studio to work in!)

I also trekked down to West 25th Street to visit a jewel of an LQS: the city Quilter. Full of beautiful fabrics (prints, batiks, shot cottons, silk fat quarters and japanese wovena nd prints) this shop was so busy with quilters taking classes. Felt like home and it was my first visit. They had wonderful samples on the wall, each easily identified with the pattern or book. They also have many New York themed patterns and fabrics available.

 Love the skull made from Halloween Prints!

 Couldn't leave without buying a charm pack of bright blue and red patterns along with some white on white FQs. Already have an idea for these!


  1. Sounds like a great trip! I've been to City Quilter, dragged my daughter there when we went to NYC a few years ago. I also dragged her to Mood (of Project Runway fame)--both were fantastic stores. She doesn't sew or quilt, so she wasn't as excited as I was.

  2. Man, I do miss NYC and the office sometimes!! I met Valerie Steele at CMG one year. She's great! Say hello to everyone for me!


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