
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Local Quilt Show

Saw a sign at the crossroads Friday night: Quilt Show Sat & Sun 2-6!

Turns out it was a fund-raiser for the local Barn Quilt organization. Both new and old quilts exhibited in an old brick house that had been both a family home and small hospital in its past.

Though the pictures seem dim, the light was magical coming through the windows in this house. A fantastic venue for this exhibit. And a worthy cause!

I will show more pics as the week goes on!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kheli,

    When you say that you attended a "fund-raiser for the local Barn Quilt organization", I tried to thnk of where that might be. We don't travel in the same circles, but with homes in Hickory and Boone, I think that we may have crossed paths.

    My interest is in the Barn Quilts (Quilt Barns). I have maintained a blog about these for some time at: What does "local" mean to you?

    btw: Great blog!



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