
Friday, September 24, 2010

Some time

My posting has become scarcer and less photo-ed. There was a time (not long ago!) I would have pre-posted in preparation for this time of life in limbo! But, having asked myself about why I am blogging, I decided to be as authentic and in-the-moment as possible with this blog.

I like to blog mostly about quilting and pets and pretty things. I still like them! And I am okay with this time between/in limbo. I have been resting better with less in my life. Less commute time, as my MIL is only 20 minutes from my office (as compared to the 1 hour 10 minutes - each way - in our former home); less after-work obligations (getting home earlier!) means I can get my hounds out walking earlier in the evenings and walk longer; less wardrobe means less laundry. I have more time to just sit. And since my MIL is there even when hubby is not (he is out of town this weekend) I am not alone, nor lonely, and can discuss the day's events with someone.

I am looking forward to sewing tomorrow. My LQS (Sewingly Yours) is having a "Sit and Sew" tomorrow from 10-2 and I am going! I wish you all a restful weekend with plenty of time to just be.

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