
Sunday, August 29, 2010

a time to mourn

We had to say goodbye to a dear family member on Friday, August 27. He was Murray, our 15 year old elder statesdog. Murray's beginnings were unknown to us. His history for us began in early 1997 when he was found, broken and bleeding, a victim of hit and run, on a busy street in a retail area. He was patched up and put up for adoption. We were looking for a dog and fortunately we found each other. Murray was kind, patient and gentle. He had a loud, deep bark, but would literally cry for attention. His lineage was guessed to be German Shepard (his coloring) and Basset Hound (his paws and his build) so he was a rather long and low fellow. Murray was never any trouble, great with kids and loved our neighbors as much as he loved us! 
His health had declined rapidly in the past few months. Last week had been very rough and we had to make a humane decision. Yes, I second guessed myself, this was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but by Thursday, he could not get up. His body had started to fail him, yet he was in such pain, that he cried if we touched his shoulder. We spent our last time with him, stroking his velvet soft ears and nose.

Murray made my life so much richer. With all the limbo of this past year, he was a constant. I will miss him greatly.


  1. Murray has left a paw print on your heart that will forever remain.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. As far as I can determine, the short life span of dogs are their only flaw. He was lucky to have you. Thank you for rescuing him! You are in my prayers.


  3. Sorry for your loss and pain. These furbabies bring so much joy into our lives!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about's so hard to lose our beloved furbabies.

  5. Oh no, not Murray. I'm so sorry, it's so hard to lose a furry sweetie. I'll always remember Murray because (if you remember) I have a cat named Murray. I'll be thinking about you all. xoxo

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. Truly sorry.

    -Samya .


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