
Saturday, August 7, 2010

A new quilt, a new way

This quilt comes from my scrap bin. I started sewing the 2.5" x 12.5" strips into squares. Then I layered them and made 1/2 square triangles. No plan, just pull fabric and sew together. I added in the odd block. I am in the process of making and adding the border. And yes, you see 4 separate pieces. I have been wanting to try quilting a top in pieces, then assembling. This way I can use up some of my lager batting scraps and have a smaller piece to quilt. I am calling it "Oddfellow".

1 comment:

  1. It seems that a lot of people are in am improv mood. It is interesting to think was it spontaneous, spread by the internet or some other mysterious way. Glad to hear you got an offer on your house. You are enjoying the calm before the storm. Also I love what you have done. I have found after doing a few improv pieces that it is hard to go back. Bonnie


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