
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another quilt with Murray in it

Murray was always such a good sport. He would always take my quilts for a test-cuddle:

Besides, the handsome rascal was so darn photogenic! I have been compiling Murray pictures and noticed that I would often give him a prop, and he would make it work! No, I am not trying to be maudlin here, its just I am between quilts, and I need to be packing for the move (finally!). We will be in a limbo situation for a while so I am saving some smaller quilt projects to work on then. I have my string quilt top to finish piecing together and I am quilting a top for my friend Tammy. I will just have to put my piecing projects away for a while. Yes, a little more chaos, but at least I will finally get to live with my hubby again.

Another nugget of wisdom from Murray: sometimes a belly-rub is just the thing. That and peanut butter crackers.


  1. Don't forget looking death square in the face.... And making death blink

  2. Things change, we move. Always leaving something we love behind and getting ready to spend more and more loving care. Hard lessons along our way. Do talk a lot abour Murray because he´ll always be with you and little bit with me too, that have my own old little one and know they´ll meet soon and become great pals!

  3. Murray is cute, moving is a huge chore I feel sorry for you ,but the reward will be worth it for sure I wish you a smooth move and that you get your sewing space organized quick, thanks for stopping by and visiting and the nice comment.


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