
Sunday, May 16, 2010

ya have to read all the way thru for the good news!

What a weird week! Dad rushed back to ER Monday, decompressing and trying to regain my bearings Tuesday, first of a new lunch-time yoga class Wednesday, normal Thursday and Friday. Taught Free-motion yesterday (Saturday) at my favorite, home-base quilt shop Sewingly Yours. Of course it was fun! Then I stayed with Dad (doing MUCH better) so Mom could go out for some primping (hair and nails). Really did her good! I wish we could get this house sold and move closer! Mom came back glowing! Then dear extended family showed up for a visit (Carol, Tracy, Alex, Julia and Luke - So cute!!!!). All-in-all a nice Saturday. Hubby and son attended at Bluegrass Music festival in hubby's county of employment, so I missed them, but they had fun being together.

Then I got home, and checked the mail.

And I got a Big White Envelope from the American Quilter's Society.

This one's been juried into the AQS Knoxville Show!!!!! YIPPEE!!!


  1. Congrats-Love the colors and the pebbling!

  2. Congratulations! Glad to hear your Dad is doing better. I totally understand the "house not selling" frustration :o)

  3. Congratulations on the quilt! How do you get up your nerve to enter a quilt show in the first place? That's a step that I haven't been able to take yet...

  4. Beautiful! would love to go to that show someday!

  5. Congratulations!!


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