
Monday, May 31, 2010

Design Wall Monday-Memorial Day edition

It is a rainy day here in my part of NC. We actually had thunder and lightning earlier this morning! So I am enjoying a quiet day in my sweatshop. I have started on a quilt using a Halloween Layer Cake.

This is a fun pattern I found on the Moda Bake Shop. It is "Christmas Packages" by Doug Leko. 

I finished sewing the blocks for the center of my king-sized Christmas quilt. Now I need to add the border then it is ready to quilt. I am going to wait until my Mom's new Gammill arrives. She should have it mid-July and I can quilt it in a day on the long-arm. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010

This one is done!

Another finish for 2010. I present ZiggyZag:

72" x 72" made from Moda scraps and white muslin.

Free-motioned loops in the center.

Free-motion feathers on the outer border. I used my favorite Amy Butler dots as the binding.

I really like this one!  I hope everyone  has a safe and happy Memorial Day. Please remember the reason we celebrate this holiday. We owe our freedoms to our military. Thanks to all who serve and who have served!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Forgiveness and a quilt

 my favorite Amy Butler dots, I can't post without a pic!

One of the great gifts about blogging is the connection you make with really great people you might otherwise not encounter. I read a lot of blogs through Google Reader and it was in this way I 'met' Jennifer of That Girl ...That Quilt... She several posts about why she quilts in her "Quilting without obligation series. It was her post of Sunday, May 24 that really spoke to me. Now since I provided you the link, you can read her story, and you will note that she ends it with a question: Do you have a quilting story? I do.

I am being deliberately vague to protect feelings, but I have had a relationship that for the most of about 15 years was quite contentious. And I never knew why. It wasn't just me, others felt the same way about this person. I was angry and resentful and finally decided to just avoid this person and the toxicity. All along I prayed for this person. At first it was just for their well-being, then I began to pray for healing. And the best thing happened, my heart was softened. I let go of my anger, because it wasn't accomplishing anything. And my feelings toward this person became just ambivalence, which is better than loathing! Then, out of nowhere, this person came back around. Not only engaging in conversation, but then asking for forgiveness. So then my feelings blossomed into love and caring. I had already forgiven, and felt this was such a gift. Now this person has person demons to battle and has been open about it. But I wanted to help. So, I made this person a quilt. And as I made this quilt, I prayed. I really believe the prayers and love I sewed into that quilt are still there. And I feel like I am the one who received the best gift. If I want to be forgiven (and I know that I am far from perfect!), then I needed to forgive. If I want acceptance, then I need to accept people as they are and not project my feelings or expectations on anyone. 

All things and relationships worth having, are worth working for and waiting for. And quilts help!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not finished, yet. But....

I have gotten into the habit of posting completed projects. This is more for me, since it gives me the "deadline" I need to finish what I start. I am currently quilt a top and piecing another. The one I am piecing is my UFO, my king-size Christmas quilt. I got started on it and had worked out a time line. It is a great pattern, with lots of little blocks that go together to make big blocks and since it is king-sized, that means there are a LOT of little blocks. Well, I got frustrated with it, put it aside and have completed several smaller quilts. Now I am back on track with it as well. 

The point of this post? As I said, I am almost finished quilting another and I so love what I am f-m'ing on the border, that I had to share! (Yep, those are threads I haven't sewn in yet). So here's my feathers:

I love them! They are looking so good! It is amazing what practicing can accomplish. Well, I am off to quilt.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Quilt Mojo is active and engaged

Okay, my missing quilt mojo has returned with a vengeance! I am now back to having too many ideas and not enough time. I have been getting up, going to work, coming home and into the sweat shop I go! My 3 hounds lay about my feet while I sew! It is a constructive way to cope with being here alone. And what do I have to show for my efforts? I give you "Rutherwood Trail":

A fun exercise to both use up scraps AND create something more "masculine".

Just a simple "Courthouse Steps" style block sashed with solid Kona. The center batiks were leftovers Mom gave me. I free-motion quilted organic trails inside each block and a squared-off continuous line in the sashing. Measures 56" by 72". I am still on my mission to build inventory and reopen my etsy shop.

No lookers for our house. We are now planning on trying to rent it. And we are jumping back into looking for a house to live in together. I really couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to do it again until just this week. I guess I needed to mourn the house that didn't work out. But now, we begin again.

And thanks so very much for the prayers and good thoughts for my Dad. He is doing well and is on the mend. He is back to walking and trying to rebuild his strength. I am so grateful and glad!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

ya have to read all the way thru for the good news!

What a weird week! Dad rushed back to ER Monday, decompressing and trying to regain my bearings Tuesday, first of a new lunch-time yoga class Wednesday, normal Thursday and Friday. Taught Free-motion yesterday (Saturday) at my favorite, home-base quilt shop Sewingly Yours. Of course it was fun! Then I stayed with Dad (doing MUCH better) so Mom could go out for some primping (hair and nails). Really did her good! I wish we could get this house sold and move closer! Mom came back glowing! Then dear extended family showed up for a visit (Carol, Tracy, Alex, Julia and Luke - So cute!!!!). All-in-all a nice Saturday. Hubby and son attended at Bluegrass Music festival in hubby's county of employment, so I missed them, but they had fun being together.

Then I got home, and checked the mail.

And I got a Big White Envelope from the American Quilter's Society.

This one's been juried into the AQS Knoxville Show!!!!! YIPPEE!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

2nd in a series

My 2nd "Flag of an Imaginary Country" is complete. 13" x 14.5"
Hand dyed fabrics with white scraps.

Free-motion quilted with silk thread, 
which moves "like buttah" through the quilt.

How many make a series? I have a 3rd pieced. I like prime numbers
(weird, I know!) so I can stop at 3 or I will make 5 or 7. Could be an ongoing series. I am thinking of names for these countries. I believe most of them will be tropical republics with beautiful beaches and soft breezes.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


No pics today, but my WIP status: I have 1 mini-art quilt ready to bind, and 2 lap-sized quilts basted and ready to quilt. My boss bought me some cute FQs in NYC so I foresee a funky-mod baby quilt in the near future! Still trying to build my inventory.

Dad had to go to the ER Monday, but he is home. He has pnuemonia and needed a massive dose of hydrocortisone as his pituitary gland is still not up to par. Fortunately, the ER doc was on top of things and contacted Dad's endocrinologist who has worked him next week. Seems like the hydrocortisone may be the major player in this drama. Since his dose Monday night, and the additional in pill form, he is feeling better and not leaking spinal fluid. This experience (starting in January) has been a crash course in anatomy. The more I learn, the more I need to learn!

My FM class made for this Saturday, so even though I am stressed-out and exhausted, I get to spend Saturday in a warm, loving, supportive quilt shop! I can't wait, the time there is like a restorative vacation.

Be kind to yourself and each other!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Another off the WIP list!

I completed this top in March, but just got around to quilting it.

It measures 49" x 49". Suitable for a small throw, baby quilt, play quilt.

I used a Micheal Miller FQ bundle.

The blocks are wonky 9 patch. 
I F-M'd the center with a loopy-loop and used a soft curve for the block border area. 

 I am building inventory for a show I am doing in October and to reopen my etsy shop. I am trying to layer and baste 2 tops this week. The quilting just flows!  Happy Mother's Day! 

Friday, May 7, 2010

ups and downs

Well, I spoke too soon last week. Dad developed a spinal fluid leak due to the surgery and had to go under the knife again to try to patch it. Patched one, but another developed. So to recap: my Dad was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma (brain tumor) last fall. Surgery was scheduled for the end of January but had to be delayed as a cardiac abnormality was detected in his pre-op exam.The abnormality turned out to require a double bypass, but the pituitary tumor complicated matters and he didn't come around until 6 (agonizing) days later. He rehabs and heals fine in the ensuing 2 months, reschedules the surgery. April 28 they remove the tumor and he comes out of recovery laughing and joking. Then the leak. He said if he had known retirement would be like this, he would have kept working! Yep, he still has his humor! I am going to ask again for prayers for his healing, but we are supposed to pray for each other anyway, aren't we?

Now back to quilting.
I finished this a week ago but just now got my camera downloaded.
24" x 30" intended for a table topper.

Loopy-loop quilting. I have been raiding my scrap bin for these. Mom gave me several pieces of this Moda collection for Christmas in 2008. I have really been getting the miles out of these yards! This is the fist quilt made with this group:

then this wall hanging and today's post. AND I have my ZigZag quilt top yet to quilt and all were using these fabrics. I love using every possible scrap!