
Monday, April 26, 2010

Some Monday angst

We found a house, placed an offer, had it accepted and now it has been withdrawn. The house was perfectly centered for our commutes (29 miles for me, 26 miles for him). It is a foreclosure that needs work - mostly cosmedic, but it has a fenced yard for the dogs, good bones and a fantastic screened-in porch. 

We just found out that a major beltway is planned to be built near by.
784 feet from our back yard.

We have withdrawn our offer. We do not want another house we can't sell.

Sorry to bring you down, just trying to keep it real.

Our current house hasn't sold, we haven't even had any lookers lately. I guess this is just the way it will be for a while longer. Good thing I have quilts to keep me busy. I currently have 3 lap quilts ready to quilt, along with 2 wall quilts and a table topper. The work will take my mind off my disappointment.

After a Monday morning like this, the rest of the week should be a breeze. But, no, my Dad is having brain surgery on Wednesday to remove the pituitary tumor. Please keep him (his name is Arch) in your thoughts and prayers. I really appreciate it.


  1. My heart aches for you, you have too much on your plate and none of it can be set aside. You were so lucky to find out about the beltway BEFORE you bought the house, it would have been much worse if you found out too late - but you know that. I'll ask St. Joseph to help your house(s) issues, and say an extra prayer for Arch. Every little bit helps!

  2. Thank you! It is just a house, just a situation and I know it will pass. I really appreciate the prayers!

  3. Your Dad's surgery is more serious than his heart surgery. Hope all goes well with no problems. It is a tricky spot. Will keep those prayers coming.
    There is no good answer to the house thing. It seems like anything to do with houses is not pretty right now. Wish I had a way to pep up the market. Am also glad you found out about the beltway before you bought the house.
    Quilting is always by "get away" when thing are not going so well.
    Keep it up to sooth your mind and soul. Bonnie


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