
Sunday, April 18, 2010

A recovery of sorts

I have been moping around the past week or so. The stress of our living situation, needing to sell our house, needing to find a house, all of it has had me down. I lost my quilting mojo. I have also just completed to intensely quilted pieces that have specific receivers. Wanting to please the recipients and striving for (impossible) perfection have also contributed to my funk. Spring has arrived and the sunlight and bright colors help to lift my mood. I actually pieced an incredible ugly block earlier in the week. But it is seriously ugly and I am not going to try to rehab it. Maybe I will just use it to practice my free-motion.

Well, yesterday I was determined to get back in the studio and do something. I rearranged some fabric, toyed with a few FQs. Then I dumped my scrap bin and saw some large pieces. So I ironed, cut and made 1/2 square triangles for a while.
This zig-zag emerged, and my mojo returned! Got the entire top pieced!

Ready to quilt!


  1. Zig-zags are so in right now - it looks great! I'm right there with you in the house situation department. It sucks...

  2. Good for you! Sometimes your muse just needs a rest!

  3. I have been thinking about you and missed your posts. I am glad that I don't even have to comtemplate moving, selling and all the headaches that are involved.
    Love the zigzag quilt. I especially like the stripe. I alway love stripes. So much can be done with twists and turns.
    Sometimes we all get in the doldrums, but I am glad you have returned to fair winds.
    THanks for you comment on by quilt musings. I started quilting around the bicentennial and haven't stopped since. Bonnie


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