
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

my old quilts (hearts and flowers)

I am in an in-between place right now quilt-wise. I have 1 top ready to quilt, another top on my design wall (the blocks are complete, I just need to sew them together), my machine is in the shop for its yearly service and I need to work on my lesson plan for my upcoming free-motion class. I am also going to work on rearranging my sewing studio/sweatshop while the machine is away, but I don't want my blog-buddies to forget about me! So I am going to post my quilt collection.

I am starting with a quilt given to my husband and me as a wedding gift by his Great-Aunt Minnie. Aunt Minnie passed on about 4 years ago, but she was a strong personality and an avid quilter and definitely not forgotten! This block pattern she called "Hearts and Flowers". She hand-appliqued each block, machine stitched them together and hand-quilted it on her quilt frame that would be suspended from the ceiling in her living room. I love the colors. We have been married 26 years, so this quilt is close to 27 years old. There are parts where the navy floral are a little faded, but we have used this quilt! It is large enough to serve as a spread for a full bed, and as a bed-quilt on a queen. I like knowing that her strong hands blanket-stitched each applique piece, and took each even quilting stitch. 

A detail shot:

Beautiful work and a family treasure!

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