
Friday, January 15, 2010

Current Projects

I hope you have enjoyed my "Old Quilts" show. I certainly have and I have enjoyed your wonderful comments. I have noticed that quilters love old quilts and the stories that go with them. I have also renewed my affection for the old feed sack quilts. I really love that an object of necessity (covering for warmth and protection from the elements) is born from frugality (using materials at hand) and an innate talent (QUILTS). I feel I am so lucky to be able to chose from so many beautiful fabrics, and I hope the love I have for my art comes through in every stitch, much the way I feel the love from the artists who created my old quilts.

Enough, what have I been doing as I have shown my collection? Well, things are quite crazy for me in my studio. I did get my machine back from service but it is going back in for a tweaking. I have cleaned, organized and rearranged my studio and I am really happy with the layout. What I did discover is (believe it or not!) I really do not have much of a stash. Oh the horror! I have tried to be efficient about my fabric purchases, but I really need to add some basic yard goods to my stash. I really need several yards of light neutrals and perhaps some solids for projects that spring from inspiration. And I need to buy these since I do not live near a LQS that I can visit easily. Sounds like a good reason for some shopping. I just need some time!

(my little stash, the top shelf is all fat-quarters, the stack on the bottom shelf is a mix of 1/2 yds, 1 yds, and 2 yds, the big bin is scraps and the small bin is apparel fabric I bought in China)

This Saturday (Jan 16) I am teaching my very first class in Free-motion Quilting. Now, I am nowhere near the skill of Leah, but I have been developing my skills and have done some decent work, so Wannita at Sewingly Yours contacted me and asked if I would lead a class, and I agreed. I have been working on my lesson plan and samples and I am excited about this opportunity. I am also quite humbled that enough people signed up to make the class, because I know that this will also be a learning experience for me! This follows on the tradition I started when I turned 40 of doing something every year that I have never done before. When 40 came up, I decided to try snowboarding and it was fun! I just want to explore and try things and live with no fear, forcing myself out of my comfort zone has made me braver and more creative. 

Quilt wise I have 2 flimsies (unquilted tops) done. One is a black/white/yellow disappearing 9-patch, and the other is a quarter-circle block (1 of my quilt goals!). The quarter-circle quilt is pinned and I have begun stitching as I am using this for my demonstration quilt in the class. I started stitching it just to establish my direction and had to force myself to stop since it was flowing easily and I could finish before class!

Wish me luck with the class!

The other big event on my horizon is the exhibit of my Mom's and my quilts. We hang the show Jan 27 and the opening reception is the 29th. I have been sewing hanging sleeves and selecting quilts for this. This is compounded by the fact my Dad has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and will be in surgery on the 27th as well. No, I am not being too cavalier about this, the tumor is on his pituitary gland, and while large, it is most likely benign. It has to be removed to prevent it from damaging his sight. While we are concerned about this, we have confidence in the team of doctors handling it and Dad feels great going in to this. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Please also keep the people of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers. The devastation there is horrific. I am contributing to the American Red Cross since I know they are already there and will use my donation well. Please find and donate to a reputable organization to help Haiti.


  1. Wonderful blog. I too am working on expanding my horizons and trying new things in a small way. Thus my interest in quilting trends. I am taking what I have seen and incorporating what I like from it. Will indeed send a little prayer for your Dad. My Dad had a very agressive brain tumor, it was cancer and he died of it many years ago, so I know how scary it is. Of course, brain surgery had improved so much since then. Hope all turns out well.

  2. Thanks for your very nice comment on my current project, the block you asked about. I dont have a pattern for it. But the pieces measures: 3½"x3½", 1½"X8½" and 4½"X8½". Hope you figure out from that, and the picture, how its done.

    Wishing you a nice sunday!


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