
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow on a Saturday

It is not to bad to be on the news when it is about the weather. We here in the mountains of NC got hit with a winter storm yesterday. Quite unusual, especially in December, as we normally get our snow in February and March. It is pretty, but I get cabin fever really quickly! 

Here's a shot out of my front door last night:

I love how the light reflects on the snow!

And here is sweet Sarge:

Murray has really had fun tromping through:

And Pepper? Well she has either been curled up in a ball on the sofa, or running too fast to capture on the camera!

As for me, I have been sewing. I have 20 blocks made on my scrap-string quilt:

Sweet hubby loves it so I am making it king-size for our bed. This will be an on-going project to make it big  enough. I am making my blocks 12.5" inches. Why 12.5"? Well, 2 reasons: 1. that makes 12" finished squares which makes it quicker to make a large quilt, and 2. That is the size of my square ruler! I may get a larger square ruler, it would make a king-size quilt even quicker!

I am also working on another art quilt for my exhibit in January:


Currently just strips sewn together, but it is starting to come together in my head.

I am also taking advantage of being house-bound to clean a bit in the studio. I have lots of rogue scraps and threads lying about.

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