
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last Christmas present quilt finished!

It is all done except the binding.

Quilting on this one was as smooth as running a warm knife through butter!

It was a true joy to quilt. 
The colors are so traditional and soothing. The soft gold and warm burgundy.
Perfect for the intended recipient!

I hope she feels the love I put into it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hurray!! Let your holidays begin.
    I also hope your friends appreciate and enjoy the quilts you have made for them. People seem to fall into two categories: they never use the quilts because it is too special or they don't understand the purpose and use it is a way you never thought of. There was story a few year back of a woman who gave a friend a wallhanging quilt as a housewarming gift and the woman ended using it as a giant potholder.


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