
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Quilt inspiration

I am stringing along in my scrap reduction, so no new quilt completions yet for me. Also, my delightful son is home from school and I have wanted to spend precious time with him! But, I still dream (day and night) about new quilts to make. In the past I have never been drawn to Christmas quilts or prints, but in the last week, that has changed! Nicole at Sister's Choice Quilts has blogged about her Christmas quilts. And boy are they cute!  I love this one:

And then there is this beauty:

Nicole has made a lot of Christmas quilts. She has inspired me!

So, (an New Year's Resolution), I am going to make Christmas quilts for our home in time for next Christmas! Great time to decide this, as maybe I can buy Christmas fabric on sale after the Holiday ;o).

Also, my mom and I have a quilt show coming up in January, so I have been making and sewing my labels on my quilts and need to sew the hanging sleeves on as well. I have the pieces for one more I may try to finish in time for the show, but haven't felt the love for it yet. I am waiting for the fabric to tell me what it wants to be.


  1. These quilts are definitely inspiring. You may want to check out the Virtual Christmas Quilt Show at my site. ~60 quilts (and quilted items) are entered in a beautiful show. You can enter a Christmas quilt, or simply post a comment, and have a chance to win a prize. Random drawing for winners on December 25th. {Just be sure to follow the rules posted}.


  2. Good for you Kheli! I know you will be so glad to have made a Christmas quilt to decorate your home for the holidays!

  3. The top quilt is the one I will make someday, because I like it and it uses lots of Christmas fabrics. I used to buy just a couple every December and have over the year assembled enough to make the quilt. I did make one Christmas from fabrics when a very bilious bright kelly green and orange red were popular. It actually looks good and old fashioned and I used all those fabrics and felt quilt self-satisified. ps. I also think and dream about quilts all the time. I think this normal behavior.


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