
Monday, December 28, 2009

A Christmas Miracle

I knew when we adopted Sarge it would be a long road to "pet" status for him. He had serious trust (or should I say anit-trust) issues. He had been negleted and was seriously underweight, full of ticks and fleas and scared of his own shadow. We have worked seriously at loving on him, taking him for walks and romps at the park. It helps having 2 other dogs that are well adjusted. But I was not prepared for Christmas Day!

I had alerted everyone to his shyness. Unfortunately, the weather was crappy and our ususal crowd was sparse, but that meant less people for Sarge to fear. My sweet Daddy loves the hounds (where do you think I got it?) and took his time talking to Sarge.
As you can see, Sarge responded by letting Daddy pet him!

Pepper, of course, had to hog the attention and went in for some sugar!

Sarge took treats from my Mom and stayed around to enjoy the day with us. It is so rewarding to see this beautiful dog blossom!

My brother and SIL didn't make it this year. We have had snow, but since they live in Banner Elk (mountainous), they had SNOW. And on Christmas Day, they had ice and lost power. They also had to spend Christmas morning at the Emergency Vet Clinic with their Jack Russel, Taz. Fortunately Taz seems to be on the mend, but as of yesterday, my brother still didn't have power. 

The 10" of snow of December 18-19 has lingered here, and Christmas Day brought 2.5" of rain, so we had flooding in our basement. It was coming in under the door. Then on Saturday, Dec 27, our furnace went out. Seems like a tradition as it went out last year on Christmas Eve. We had a repairman out, and we are blessed to have the money to fix it. I have been just piddling around, sleeping until 8, lingering over coffee and the paper. I did finish piecing a top and the back, but haven't pinned it yet. And I have been practicing piecing curves!
 I pulled out scraps and just sat down and did it! Each one was easier and better than the last. I have fabric from the Moda "Arcadia" collection ready for this quilt. I have also been making hanging sleeves and sewing them on for my show next month.
A question for my fellow quilters out there: What is a Schnibble? I have seen the "Year of Schnibbles" badges, but can't figure out what a schnibble is. The schibble quilts are cute and scrappy (which I love!), and I would love to participate if someone can tell me how! Just leave me a comment or email me (kheliwud at gmail dot com).Thanks in advance!  

I am thinking/planning on what my quilting goals will be for 2010. I will blog about them later this week. Anyone out there have interesting quilting resolutions?

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