
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Another completed!

I've been focused on sewing instead of shopping this long weekend. Remember these hand-dyes? And this photo? Well, I have been working on this idea for a while. I cut pieces and auditioned them on my design wall, moved them around, and lived with them for a while before stitching. I really took my time on this since I had the colors and the general idea, but wanted it to be just right.

I also wanted to make sure the quilting and thread complemented the idea.

This piece is going in the show my Mom and I are in that starts in January. I want it to really speak about me, my vision and my ideas.

This piece is 55" by 54", all cotton hand dyes, cotton batting and YLI "Sticks and Stones" cotton thread. I free-motion quilted it over 2 weeks.

I am very proud of it.

I photographed it outside yesterday, and I love that even at this distance, under these light conditions, you can still see the quilting!


  1. what an accomplishment and inspiration!

  2. my goodness you are making some stunning quilts...two in a row!!!


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