
Monday, October 12, 2009

I Dye* (hee hee like Rachel Zoe -not!)

Okay, the fabric dyeing is so much fun! I am just now out of muslin!

I dyed 7 yards on Saturday, I do them in 1 yd pieces. So far, this is my favorite piece:

I started it a week ago, I was aiming for a deep reddish brown. I love the way the red stayed in spots, but it had too much white. So this time, I overdyed it darker. I love the tobacco-brown with the red. This will be beautiful in a quilt.

My stash of hand-dyes is getting large. So, I am going to start using them.

Actually I used 2 - 1 yd pieces and a half-yard in a quilt top and back:


This shows it on my design wall as I was working with the borders. I used a beautiful olive on the front (the blocks are from the "Authentic" charm packs) and I used 2 chartreuse pieces on the back. This is now ready to quilt. I will post it when I get it quilted!

It is dark and rainy here. A good night to curl up under a quilt!

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