
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

My friend Dobbygirl, has awarded me the Honest Scrap Award! Be sure to check out her blog here.

Here is how it works:

1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award (see above and on the sidebar - she posts awe some stuff from the world of commercial and residential interiors and fashion. Someone should hire her to do color and trend forecasting 'cause she is really great at it!) Thanks Dobbygirl!

2) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.

3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.

4) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

So, here goes!

10 things about me:

1. I love to quilt and sew. Really, when I am not doing it, I am thinking about it, planning it, reading about it or shopping for it.

2. I hate meatloaf, tuna salad, pinto beans and cooked cabbage. Yes, I am a southern girl and no, I will not like your pintos or cabbage!

3. I really believe things turn out for the best in the long run. That comes from my faith in God. I truely believe He is in charge.

4. I get really impatient waiting for things to happen/change/evolve (see #3).

5. I love my coffee and comics in the morning.

6. I hate being around a lot of people. It makes me really anxious.

7. I read a lot. Right now I am into novels about Stalinist Russia (try Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith great read!) I also like the science/adventure books of James Rollins.

8. I am pretty much a push-over for my hubby and son. But they really don't take advantage of it. And they are really good to me too!

9. I do enjoy my parents, brother and in-laws. And I adore my nephews and nieces. Every one of them is beautiful and special!

10. I love the advances in communication via the internet. I love keeping up with friends and family via Facebook, email and blogs. I love the immediacy of it, and realize it is up to me to put limits on it. I also understand how to use the "off" switch!

Here's my 7 award winners:

1. Donna at Southern Campaign in NC. She is a friend and former co-worker who is sweet, beautiful, smart and passionate! And she knows a LOT about the Revolutionary War!

2. AmandaJean at Crazy Mom Quilts. We have never met, but she did respond when I emailed a quilting question. She makes beautiful quilts and has inspired me a lot!

3. Rachel at RachelCoxDesigns. She is a very talented single mom of 3 who is living her life and sharing it with us.  It is through her I learned about the Mountain Baby Blankets Project. I have already donated 1 quilt to them and have another almost ready to go. If you are a quilter, visit Rachel's blog and learn how to donate a quilt to keep kids in the Appalachian Mountains warm!

4. Shawn at Luna Cycles. It was his blog that inspired me to get in the intertubes and write about, whatever! I love reading about the local cycling culture and I really am proud of how these guys have brought the culture into our little mountain town!

5. Anya at Hills Creek Quilter. She does such beautiful stuff! And I just know if we lived close to each other we would be great quilting buddies!

6. Nicole at Sisters Choice Quilts. Talk about a quilting Rock Star! She makes quilts for the top quilt rock stars! Love to see the goregous quilts she makes and read about the adventures of her dogs, Ozzie and Sophie. she occasionaly posts about food and makes me very hungry! I also wish I could attend some the quilt retreats she goes to!

7. Michele at the Quilting Gallery. This is a great resource for quilters, she has a huge list of quilters blogs (thanks for listing me!) as well as quilt shops and happenings. If you are a quilter, visit her site!

Thanks again to all these bloggers for your inspiration, and thanks to all who read this blog!  I'll be back to the quilt stuff in my next post!


  1. Thank-you !!! for this award. This is a great idea. Let me pass the praise!

  2. Thanks for the kind words. yeah, someone should hire me - ha ha!!!! Darn economy, but I can't complain too much since I get to spend my time with my little one!

  3. Thanks so much Kheli! And I agree, we could be great quilting buddies...


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