
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Another fully-hand-dyed Finished!

I previously posted about the drama of un-sewing the initial free-motion stiches on this quilt. Once I listened to the quilt, the stitching was smooth as silk! It is now complete!



Back (sorry for the blur, but it is drab and rainy here today.)

Back detail

I love the layered look of it, the first/bottom layer is the crazy mottled star-burst fabric, then the layer of pieceing that looks like window panes, finally the layer of block stitching. And I used 2 bronw that I dyed on the back!

This measures 36" x 51". The hand-dyed fabrics started life as bleached muslin, I used a spaced-dyed YLI thread and thin cotton batting. 

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