
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Was today auspicious for you?

Today's date, 09/09/09, was supposed to be special. Why? I'm not sure. But it is neat to have all the number line up like that!

I had a good day at work and learned that a dear friend, and phenomenal artist, has her website up. Eleanor creates magic with beads! Visit her here. El is a great textile designer, and she makes bead creations that sing! I know you will get inspired by her creations. She is a very special person to me and inspires me by her dedication to her art.

From yesterday's post on scraps, here is what is up on my design wall now:

These came to me in 2.5" strips. So I sewed them all together and then cut them in varying widths. It is not completely stitched together yet. I am digging through more scraps to create a border. I think it is lively and fun!


  1. Yeah for Eleanor! I was just going to email her when your post popped up on my Google reader. Now I'm gonna harass her!

  2. yes it is lively and fun, that is how I like my quilts too!


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