
Sunday, July 12, 2009

My First Quilt

I hope I am not too late to join in this fun little project! I found the links to Carrie's blog from Amanda Jean and decided to leap in!

My first quilt was done well over 26 years ago. I candlewicked(remember tying all those little knots?) small designs on bleached muslin and then put this in the centers of a 9-patch. Years latter, my mom hand quilted it when she caught the quilt bug in a big way (she now has a long arm and teaches quilting!). That quilt is in storage somewhere. I also made several little baby quilts along the way. But what I consider my first quilt (of my modern era!) is this one I made for my son when he left for college:

It is a BQ2 made with fabrics Jacob selected. My mom taught the class for this quilt and I dove in headfirst! I even free-motion quilted it! It is approximately full/queen size and still on his bed.

My most recent quilt is this:

This pattern came from Happy Hour Quilts (one of my favorite pattern books!). I also did the free-motion quilting for this.

I have learned so much along the way. The important thing is to be fearless. Take a class even if you do not know anyone else who will be there! You meet the nicest people in quilting/sewing classes. Try patterns you think might be tough. I just finished a quilt top for the Cake Mix quilt. The first time I read through the pattern, I felt a little intimidated. So I waited until I had undivided attention, plenty of time, and started cutting and piecing! I love this top and as soon as I can get more batting, it will be quilted!

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