
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

Today we celebrate our collective birthday as the United States of America. Free to do, think, say, worship and move as we please. Our founding fathers and mothers fought and died so we might have this tremendous privilege. Brave men and women serve our country to guarantee these rights. Lets not forget what sacrifices have been made for us.

On another note: my blogging has been lax of late. The days are longer so I have been enjoying the time walking my dogs and being outside. I have also been trying to catch up on some quilt projects. Last night I finished this beauty:



Detail of stippling

The center of this quilt consists of 2 charm packs of "Candy Kisses" by Sandy Gervais for Moda.
I really don't know what to call it. Here are the names I am considering:
1. Candy Kisses (lifted directly from the fabric collection)
2. Sweets for the Sweet
3. Valentine Delight

Any thoughts?

My free-motion quilting is definitely improving. I am getting more comfortable while doing it as well. I still wish I could find a local class or workshop on it, but since I have found one yet, I will continue to practice on my own. I have 2 more quilt tops I am planning on quilting on my machine. I am going to quilt my king size top on my mom's long arm.

This is my 6th complete quilt for this year. Sprucing up the house really took away a lot of my quilting time! I really wish I had more time to sew and quilt. Maybe someday!

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