
Monday, June 1, 2009

What a difference a week makes!

I am taking a break from blogging about quilting today. I was just too busy this weekend to get much sewing done! We went to a cookout Saturday with friends and stayed outside talking into the wee hours. Don't you just love doing that? I think there is something so primal about how we humans (in the south, anyway) love to be outside at night.
Then yesterday we rode up to Valle Crucis to visit my brother. He has a beautiful Macaw, Baby. And I enjoyed snapping pics of Baby, Zuni (one of his dogs) and Punkin the cat.

Zuni and her ball

My brother Kent and Baby

Baby, ready for his close-up

Punkin enjoying the birdhouse buffet
(I know, that is horrible, but cats hunt birds so what do you expect?)

And a final picture of our beautiful Sarge, one week after adoption:

His vet visit went well. He is right at 12 months old. He is starting to blossom with all our love and attention.

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