
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Long weekend with friends

The hubby and I left last Thursday evening and traveled to spend the weekend with his college roommate and wife. They are newlyweds, having tied the knot in November. She is perfect for him: funny, cute, smart and full of life. We had a blast! The guys played golf Friday and Saturday. We gals shopped Friday, discovering a great quilt shop in Selma, NC: The Whistle Stop Quilt Shop. It is neat shop, with a huge selection of fabric and patterns, and beautiful example quilts. The owner, Connie, is friendly and helpful. Drop in to see her if you happen through! I bought a pattern and 2 books along with these goodies:

S also bought a kit and we made her very first quilt top on Saturday! Love to sew and chat!

Our friends, S and S, live in a great big house they have been rehabbing. It has a fantastic screen porch, a gorgeous staircase and tons of Southern charm! They also have 2 cute pups,
Sweet Riley

And this killer chihuahua, Peanut:

Don't those red eyes scare you? He really is a sweet little guy, he just didn't like the camera!
We had such a great time, we are so lucky to have such good friends.

Back home and back to the home rehab of our own. The man-cub and I painted half the master bedroom tonight, we will finish tomorrow night. Then a major cleaning is in store! We hope to list it mid-May. I really hope there are the right buyers for this place. I love this house and am very proud of it. But, I miss living with my hubby full-time!

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