
Friday, March 20, 2009


Today was one of my "DWoP" (pronounced du-wop). That is Day Without Pay. Yep, we have had a pay cut, which results in 1 day without pay every 4 weeks. Now I didn't like the pay cut, and I hate that this is compounded by our health insurance doubling, BUT I love having 12 extra days a year to do Other Things. And like the previous DWoP in February, I spent the day sewing. I went to my Mom's and quilted my "Bold Glory" quilt (which is being donated to Quilts of Valor). I will photograph it once I have it bound. Anyway, it was a fantastic day! I really love the entire activity of sewing. The hum of the machine, the flow of movement while guiding the long arm, seeing the quilt pattern forming in the stitches. Very relaxing and rewarding! I have to complete my next top (the fabrics are featured in today's photo). Then I am quilting it with my walking foot. I wish I had more time to sew!

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