
Sunday, February 15, 2009

kinda blah

February is the shortest month, but it still seems to linger around. We are in the middle of winter, still dark when I get up and when I get home. We're teased by nice days and brought back to reality by harsh chill. All the news seems to be bad. I can still be transported by the deep, clear blue of the sky and the bright smooth bark of the leafless trees. I am also in a sewing lull. I need to finish piecing my king-sized top. I need to practice my free-motion stitches. I need to bind the table runner I quilted last week. I know, quit griping and start doing!
I am also trying to keep positive about my job, but with each passing day, and lack of sales, that becomes more difficult. Sometimes I just want to lay in bed all day, or play with my fabric all day. But I have to (in the words of Bob Dylan) "keep on keeping on" (from Tangled Up in Blue). Well, the fabric is calling. I will first bind the runner, then sew on the king sized quilt. That should give me a feeling of accomplishment.

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