
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

what's been going on

Just random musings:

Heard on the radio that Heath Ledger was found dead in NYC today. So sad, so talented.

The political season seems to be hitting its stride, mud is beginning to be slung. I wish the candidates would refrain from telling us what not to like about their opponents and just tell us what they want to do for us.

Yesterday was supposed be the gloomiest day of the year based on a strange mathematical formula relating to the time since Christmas, the low amount of sunlight and the arrival of holiday credit card bills. January 21 is supposed to have the highest number of suicides.

If I can get through tomorrow, then I have Project Runway to look forward to! All the designers are starting to crack in one way or another. I know how it feels! I am faced by creative demands, impossible budgets and an overwhelming excess of administrative B******T to do! I just focus on the limited design time I have and try to make my patterns count.

I have been working on my scrapbook of our PV trip. With every photo I print, I remember additional details. This may have been the best trip I've taken (so far!).

I really want to go to India. I have been so in love with the colors, foods, culture and people for so long. I think it will require 2 weeks. I need to research this. And make it happen.

Yep, this is the best way to cope with the gloomy gray days of January: fantasize about the saffron yellow, tangerine orange and glowing pink of India! Namaste!

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