
Thursday, December 20, 2007

End of year lists

This is my LBD (little brown dog) Sophie. She is very quiet and sweet and makes a neat little warbling sound to get attention!

I have XM radio for my hour long commute and listen to Broadminded on my way home each evening. One night this week they were talking about end of year lists that seem to proliferate this time each year. I have decided to come up with my own for this year.

My list of god things:
1. My dog, Sophie
2. My Big Dog, Murray
3. Friday nights, in my pj's, in front of the fire
4. Sleeping in on Saturday mornings
5. A good book
6. Another good book
7. Sunday newspapers
8. hugs from my son
9. Kisses from my hubby
10. Calls from my friends

What I am looking forward to:
1. Our dinner party with friends tomorrow night
2. Seeing my brother's new puppy
3. Finishing my current quilt
4. Seeing my niece Christmas Eve
5. Our trip to Puerto Vallarta on 12/26
6. The beach at Puerto Vallarta
7. Speaking my elementary spanish in PV
8. Did I mention we are going to PV?
9. Tequila
10. Whale watching

Peace out, sugarplums!

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