
Monday, November 5, 2007


This is Jeff on the line for his race. I call it "An angry man".
I spent yesterday at the Lenoir Cycle Cross race. If you haven't seen Cycle Cross, you have got to try it! These people are masochists of the lowest order! They not only survive the mind-racking pain of the race, they thrive on it! Some of these psychos ride in 2 races at the same event! Cycle Cross is sort of like cross-country riding, with hairpin "S" turns, steep climbs and barriers you have to carry your bike over. The races generally run for a set time, the longest was about an hour. This particular course was 2 miles and the Men's Pros were doing it in under 7 minutes. Lots of thrills, chills and spills, some scrapes, bruises and blood! For more highlights check out Shawn's blog.

Spent Saturday at Presbyterian College for the CU vs PC game. Man Cub started and played well, but the mighty Hawks fell to 1-9 for the season. It was a spectacular autumn day, an excellent day to be outside. One more game, next Saturday in Newport News, then Jacob's Freshman season can go into the books!

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