
Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Morning Glory

I love Morning Glories. The centers just glow! This one was growing in our garden. I love the intense blue and purple. I also have a pale blue and an interesting white one with little blue flecks.
The garden is winding down. We are still getting tomatoes. It is amazing that our intense heat didn't kill them. Today was cloudy, but still in the 90s. I am hoping for rain and cooler temps.
I bought some new threads (I do like back-to-school shopping, even if I am not going!), but it is still too hot to wear them. And I am going to Miami next week, I know it will be too hot there as well.
I have never been to Miami. I am going for a trade show, HD Boutique. I am staying in South Beach and will have Monday afternoon to myself. Possibly Monday night as well! I hope to get lots of Art Deco building photos, as well as subtropical flora and fauna!

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