
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Autumn arrives

Autumn is an ambivalent time for me. Yeah, the drier air is nice, the lack of haze brightens colors, the cool mornings are refreshing. But the slanting rays of the sun also mean the coming darkness. And I do not deal well with that.
I try to focus on the positives: the lower humidity, cooler temps mean I can rotate some different clothes, enjoying my rides and walks more.
I gave my son the quilt I made for him. Hard to tell, but I think he likes it. I know he doesn't yet understand the work that goes into its construction, but he does have a good eye for design. He has moved into a different dorm and seems to be happier there. I still mis him everyday, but I know this experience is good for him. And he needs the degree in order to make the future he wants.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


This store's name says it all! No guessing at what they sell!
South Beach is wide open.
I adore big cities. The variety of people, culture, food, clothing, ideas. I love hearing different languages and accents. I love seeing how people put themselves together. Their clothes, makeup, way of walking. I usually feel too big, fat, strange & weird in my little piss-ant town, but when I go to NYC, Chicago, Miami, DC, I actually feel like I fit in.

Well, it is Thursday again. I am living for the weekend. See the man-cub play football. Have some quiet time. hmmmm

Friday, September 21, 2007

SoBe baby

I have always wanted to go to Miami. To me, this city represents glamor, excitement, an exotic place in the US. I was not there long enough to see much, just long enough to know I want to go back! The sun light was fabulous, the colors intense, the music mesmerizing, the Hispanic influence was MAGIC. I ate lots of fresh tuna, fruit and rice. I drank Mojitos. I want to return.
Work still sucks. Too much to do, not enough time or help. I am making an escape plan.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

my job sucks

nothing worse than being gone for 3 days (on a business trip) to return to a freaking chaotic scrum fest. Yep, the slight glow I picked up in SoBe was replaced quickly by the flush of anger and frustration. I am really sick of it.
More on Miami later.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pure Joy, Bliss, Dee-lite

My son's football team, the Chowan University Hawks, snapped an 18 game loosing streak yesterday. They defeated their rival Methodist University in OT, 31-30. The was such an outpouring of joy and delight, you could feel it in the air. My jaws are sore today from smiling so much! Those guys, the coaches and players, worked so hard. And it paid off!
My boy got hurt in the first half. He strained his hamstring. We were very worried about it being serious, but as the game wore on, he was able to put some weight on it. He will have some rehab, and it is sore, but he should be fine.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Finally Friday or Living for the weekend

I am currently living for the weekend. I plod through the week days, getting it done, making it work, carrying on, just to get to Friday night. Then Saturday (road trips to watch the man-cub play football); and Sunday. This weekend is no different! I am preparing to leave Monday morning for Miami. My first time!
Even though I am only in the office 2 days this week, I am sure it will be intense. I know most of Thursday will probably be spent trying to get back on our various network drives. The rain today cause leaks and leaks cause electrical problems, which in turn caused network issues. In the midst of all this, one of our IT guys, randomly changed my password and didn't tell me first! Oh the joys of modern technology. Yeah, technology in an old building with a very leaky roof. Someday I hope to work for an organization (if I still have to work!) that really cares about the associates and the facility. I honestly have never worked where things were really cared for. When I started at this place (in 2000) the office had just been renovated and was great! But through all the economic trauma, office maintenance has fallen behind.
I am once again pondering my place in the world. I am trying to visualize what I want. I need some real time away to do that. Maybe when we are in Florida next month for a game. I should have some quiet time then.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Morning Glory

I love Morning Glories. The centers just glow! This one was growing in our garden. I love the intense blue and purple. I also have a pale blue and an interesting white one with little blue flecks.
The garden is winding down. We are still getting tomatoes. It is amazing that our intense heat didn't kill them. Today was cloudy, but still in the 90s. I am hoping for rain and cooler temps.
I bought some new threads (I do like back-to-school shopping, even if I am not going!), but it is still too hot to wear them. And I am going to Miami next week, I know it will be too hot there as well.
I have never been to Miami. I am going for a trade show, HD Boutique. I am staying in South Beach and will have Monday afternoon to myself. Possibly Monday night as well! I hope to get lots of Art Deco building photos, as well as subtropical flora and fauna!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


*Long time no see.
Very busy late summer for me. Each weekend is a road trip, some longer than others. We go where the boy is playing, trailing the team to the next game. No wins yet. But this weeks game was very exciting. Yes, we lost, and a loss is a loss, but this time we only lost by 1 little point. The final score was 32-33. So, see, we can score!
My man-cub has been re-assigned to left tackle, which is where he is most experienced. The offense looked much better this week!
Also, it was not quite so hot, only 95 degrees instead of 105. And the tropical storm Gabrielle brought that area much needed rain. We still are without rain. And we are in our 8th consecutive week of 90+ degree days.
As you can see by the photo, my baby is as handsome as ever. We took him off campus to stay last night with us in Franklin, VA. We had a nice dinner and some minor retail therapy. Then he and his dad watched innumerable athletic contests on the hotel TV. The man-cub seems to be finding his way in college. Girls are flocking like moths to a flame. He can't help it, he is so big, strong, smart, graceful and beautiful. He has an easy smile and bright blue eyes. He can argue about anything (he gets that from me) and he loves to laugh.
I have been making him a quilt. I hope to bind it this week. I love seeing a project through to completion. Especially when it is successful!
It was a great weekend. Now, lets prepare to get through 5 days, until we can be back on the road to see him again!